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    Brightening the market with LED screen solutions

    General, Inspiration, Technology

    Posted April 30th, 2019 by Sean Brown & filed under , General, Inspiration, Technology.

    As a globally recognised manufacturer of industry leading display technology, Pro Display prides itself on the vast LED screen range we can offer. LED screen technology has come a long way in recent years and Pro Display have been leaders in this market for a long time, having introduced the first full-colour LED screens into Europe in the 1990s and LED perimeter systems in the early 2000s. Almost 20 years later, Pro Display have grown from strength to strength along with LED technology itself, offering high quality and innovative display solutions for an extremely wide range of applications.

    A typical application for LED technology can vary from an LED message board to an LED screen wall and everything in between; with Pro Display’s immense range of solutions, there’s an option that will suit your needs. For example, an LED display can mean numerous things such as a smaller LED digital signage screen to a large format advertising system, which nicely highlights one of the biggest advantages of LED display screen technology – scalability. Many LED solutions are modular, allowing multiple screens to seamlessly come together to make enormously sized large format advertising screens. With far brighter display option than standard LCD screens, a large format LED screen is an ideal solution for those display requirements that are larger than life.

    Large format LED screen

    Large format advertising systems are likely to be seen from far away, calling for a larger pixel pitch, depending on the application. Screens with a larger pixel pitch generally cost less than those with a finer pixel pitch because the metric itself dictates how far away each LED light is away from each other. In cases of LED video screens or any LED screens that display visual media content, the actual LEDs in the screen act in a similar way to pixels that make up a digital image, so it goes without saying that the further away these individual LEDs are, the more inappropriate the screen is for short distance viewing.

    However, LED screens that are indoors are unlikely to require such scale, often being installed in a space with a finite area with a limited viewing opportunity and are often able to be inspected up-close by customers or passers-by, making a smaller pixel pitch usually desirable. Pro Display offer Indoor SMD LED screens with a pixel pitch of 0.9mm-10mm, which is still fairly large, yet not so large that it is likely to detract from the effectiveness for an up-close indoor application. Indoor LED screens tend to offer an ideal solution for those applications that need a seamless, larger and brighter display than what may be realistically achievable using LCD, offering the needed bezel-free effect and brightness for an effective indoor advertising system, making them ideal for retail stores, airports, bus & train stations or even schools and universities.

    Indoor LED screens

    Outdoor LED screens, however, boast a far larger pixel pitch due to the sheer scale of what is possible with this technology. An outdoor LED screen can be used to achieve display requirements at astounding distances and scale. With pixel pitches of 4mm-50mm, our Outdoor LED Screens are ideal for large format display applications such as sports stadiums and arenas, roadside billboards & advertising, large shopping centres or even general public areas. These screens are IP65 rated, making them certified for outdoor use and means that in large format applications, these modular screens can reach an incredible number of people with their visual displays, especially considering their superior brightness and wider viewing angles.

    Outdoor LED Screen

    Outdoor LED screen technology is not just great for large format display opportunities. LED perimeter systems are also very popular, with Pro Display supplying a variety of high-profile sports stadiums with these powerful advertising tools. With standard pixel pitches of 10, 12 and 16mm, our SMD LED Perimeter Systems provide these stadiums with a robust outdoor perimeter display solution that is also IP65 rated. Ideal for advertising to large audiences and through TV broadcast, these screen systems also boast superior brightness and wide viewing angles that makes them perfect for advertising during high profile sports matches, especially those with large audiences being broadcast internationally. By displaying, for example, video content on these screens, it makes the adverts far more eye-catching and also helps to enforce the value or quality of the stadium, making it a more desirable advertising spot and potentially even allowing the stadium to charge more for the opportunity.

    LED Perimeter system

    What makes Pro Display’s LED range even more impressive is the integrating options which are available. Simply offering the screen solution is one thing, but Pro Display understand that LED displays offer far more than just digital signage; importantly, they offer a business an opportunity to brand themselves with superior screen technology that can help them stand out on a competitive high street and especially at night. One of the most well-established branding opportunities a business has is on their building facia, such as a shop front sign or logos and lettering. Traditionally, these are static physical signs that offer little in the way of anything new or inspiring – they are staple fittings for a brick and mortar business, however, are often under-utilised as an opportunity.

    This is where Pro Display’s LED Video Signs come in. As an innovative approach to building or fascia branding, these screen solutions offer the best of both worlds of static and dynamic branding. Due to the demand for static information in this application, a typical LED screen may not be appropriate, as to fulfil the staple requirement, the screen content would likely be needed to be kept static, displaying the shop name constantly. This means that the business is unlikely to make the most out of the video playback and showcase capability, which forms one of the biggest advantages of using a digital screen in this application. With an LED Video Sign however, the business is able to display an informative video on the LED screen, with a traditional shop sign integrated right along side it. These 2 branding opportunities perfectly compliment each other, allowing the business to display their best showcase content that may help increase footfall, without sacrificing this staple fitting that establishes the shop or business name, making the 2 signs work together to maximise the benefits of each.

    LED Video Sign

    Pro Display’s innovative and exciting LED solutions go further than this, too. Products with impressive visual effects such as Transparent LED screens offer businesses an incredibly innovative way to display and integrate video content into glass fascias without blocking out the view from the inside. These screens are ideal for corporate applications in buildings that have large glass sections in their architecture and value the natural light that this style of building brings, which is known to be a positive influence on the productivity, health and wellbeing of employees.

    A Transparent LED screen allows business to continue to benefit from these natural benefits whilst displaying showcase branding on their corporate building that can be observed from the outside. The nature of how Transparent LED Screens are made allows outside ambient light and the view to still come through for occupants, with the LED strips still having transparency in the large gaps in-between them. This screen utilises the benefits of LED technology to the max, allowing the LED strips to still come together to make an image on the outside but not closing off the gaps in-between, blocking the view from the inside. This sort of effect is really only something that can be achieved with LED technology due to the way the visual image is produced. Not only this, but these screens also allow you to make the most out of LED technology’s propensity for modular design, enabling large format screens that can be integrated into an effective and powerful visual display on a large glass building.

    Transparent LED Screen

    Perhaps one of Pro Display’s most innovative LED solutions is the incredible LED Mirror Video Walls, which offer a striking and dramatic mirrored display solution that boasts high brightness and outstanding images. As a solution that combines a mirror and screen, this product appears as a normal mirror until the screens behind it display content, showing the content through the mirror and representing the best of mirror and screen integration. Due to the amazing visual effect this creates, Mirrorvison LED Walls are ideal for high-end or luxury environments, helping to establish and enforce a premium feel which may reflect premium prices or service. Using LED in this way allows for brighter and punchier images that penetrate through the mirror surface exceptionally well, ensuring that the overall visual effect of the display is not dampened by having the combination of screen and mirror.  This sort of display system works very well in premium hotel reception areas, corporate headquarters, experiential environments or even museums.

    Mirror LED Video Wall

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    If you’re looking for innovative display solutions for your upcoming project or want to discuss ideas for using the products mentioned in this article, get in touch via our contact form below, email us via info@prodisplay.com or call us on +44 (0)1226 361 306.

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